Step 10a. Adding HTML forms to your Web pages.
This page acts as a wizard to create HTML forms. You can add survey questions or personality test items to your Web pages with the push of a button. You can choose among response types such as text boxes, multiple choice responses (checkboxes), single choice responses (radio buttons, popup menus), or scales (radio buttons, graphical scales).

Simply open one of the text files you created in the previous step, and paste the HTML-code into the textbox below. Choose an answer format (text box, radio buttons in horizontal or vertical order, popup menu) and enter the name of your first variable, your question and the needed options in the space provided below. Then, press the button "Add Item". Repeat this procedure for each item you like to place on this Web page. Press "Show" to view the appearance of the created Web page. When all of your items have been completed, push the button "Generate HTML-Code". Copy the code and use it to replace everything in your text file. Use this procedure to change all text files you created in the previous step, as desired. The "Reset" button erases everything from the form, allowing you to start over.

Click on the links below to look at your experimental design or the HTML code, you generated before.
[show experimental design][show HTML code]
Plain text
Type your plain text (e.g. instructions) in the space provided below. Plain text can be added at any point of the Web page.
The wizard suppose, that your images are located in a folder called "img". Please note, that your images can't be viewed by pressing "Show".

Enter the name of your file (e.g. flower.gif):
Indicate the width of your image:
Indicate the height of your image:
Text boxes view an example
Name your variable:
Type your question here:
Radio buttons in horizontal order view an example
Name your variable:
Type your question here:
Name the label at the left end:
Name the label at the right end:
Indicate the number of radio buttons:
Radio buttons in vertical order view an example
Type in the name for your variable and your question . Next, type the first answer option in the space provided below. Then, press the button "Add". Repeat this step for each answer option you need. Once all of your answer options have been added, push the button "Add Item".

Name your variable:
Type your question here:
Enter your answer options here:
Checkboxes view an example
Type in the names for your variable and your question. Next, type the first answer option in the space provided. Then, press the button "Add". Repeat this step for each answer option you need. When all of your answer options have been added, push the button "Add Item".

Name your variable:
Type your question here:
Enter your answer options here:
Popup menu view an example
Type in the names for your variable and your question . Next, type the first answer option in the space provided below. Then, press the button "Add". Repeat this step for each answer option you need. When all of your answer options have been added, push the button "Add Item".

Name your variable:
Type your question here:
Enter your answer options here:
Graphical scale view an example
Name your variable:
Type your question here:
Name the label at the left end:
Name the label at the right end: